Complete Heat Treatment Line for hardening and tempering of steel bars. Supplied to Abbey Group, Sheffield, England.
Comprising of: Two Heat Treatment Furnaces, Water Quench, Adiabatic Cooler, Charging Machine and Loading Tables.
Furnace Specifications
- Capacity:4 tonnes of stainless-steel bars
- Temperature Range: 550ºC to 1200ºC
- Temperature Uniformity: ±5ºC up to 750ºC±10ºC from 750ºC to 1200ºC
- Control System: Pulse fired high velocity hot air burners with flue gas recuperation
Water Quench Specifications
- Capacity: 30,000 litre capacity
- Hydraulic lift
- Multi-jet pumped agitation and recirculation
Charging Machine:
- Charging machine
- Capacity: 4 Tonne complete with 3 split forks
- 12 metre lateral travel
- 4 metre hydraulically operated fork travel